Charter of the Baku İnternational Multiculturalism Centre

- General Provisions
1.1. The Baku International Multiculturalism Centre (hereinafter - the Centre) is a legal entity being a non-commercial organization that ensures the preservation of tolerance, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity in accordance with the ideology of Azerbaijanism, as well as represents Azerbaijan as the centre of multiculturalism in the world, explores and promotes existing multicultural models.
1.2. In its activities, the Centre is guided by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and this Charter.
1.3. When carrying out its duties and exercising its rights under this Charter, the Centre interacts with state and local self-governments bodies, the media, local and foreign organizations, public and international entities.
1.4. The Centre has an independent balance, treasury and bank accounts, state property in use, seal, stamp and letterhead with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its own title.
1.5. The costs of maintaining the Centre and its activities are financed from the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other sources provided for by this Charter.
1.6. The Centre is located in Baku.
1.7. The Centre reports to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the results of its annual activity.
- The Main Goal and Objectives of the Centre
2.1. The main goal of the Centre is to ensure the preservation of tolerance, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity in accordance with the ideology of Azerbaijanism, as well as to represent Azerbaijan as the centre of multiculturalism in the world, explore and promote existing multicultural models.
2.2. The main objectives of the Centre are:
2.2.1. studying the cultural, social and political essence of Azerbaijani realities that transform multiculturalism and tolerance into a way of life, developing a mechanism for their propagation;
2.2.2. determining and implementing the ways through which cultural and ethnographic diversity in the Republic of Azerbaijan serve to the development of Azerbaijanism;
2.2.3. determining the methods of conducting scientific analysis and preserving the tolerant bases of cultural and religious diversity in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
2.2.4. studying the cultural heritage of various regions, ensuring their harmonious development in the contemporary era, supporting the process of preserving history, culture and religious monuments using the potential of civil society;
2.2.5. studying the degree of contact and encouraging the contact between cultures of various regions in multicultural life;
2.2.6. search for traces of ancient cultures in various regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in conjunction with relevant scientific organizations (arrangement of archaeological research in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments), collecting, scientific studying and protecting the cultural and ethnographic heritage;
2.2.7. implementing projects aimed at the systematic elimination of certain shortcomings manifested in the field of education, culture, science and other social spheres, and hindering the harmonious development of the moral integrity of a personality;
2.2.8. implementing measures on improving the professional religious and secular knowledge of young religious figures of different religions;
2.2.9. providing study and promotion of multicultural achievements of the Republic of Azerbaijan by international experts in foreign countries;
2.2.10. developing and implementing a mechanism for evaluating and rewarding prominent local and foreign citizens who have particularly distinguished themselves in the purification of personality, building inter-ethnic, inter-religious relations on the basis of mutual respect and trust;
2.2.11. analysis and dissemination of the world experts’ personal experience in the field of multiculturalism, as well as past and contemporary political and public figures, scientists, cultural figures and people of art;
2.2.12. performing other duties in accordance with this Charter.
- The Centre’s Rights
3.0 The Centre shall have the following rights to perform its tasks:
3.0.1. request the required information (documents) from state and local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities, and receive from them such information (documents);
3.0.2. open branches and establish representative offices in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and abroad;
3.0.3. cooperate with state and local self-government bodies, individuals and legal entities;
3.0.4. carry out international cooperation in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Rules for Concluding, Implementing and Terminating International Treaties of the Republic of Azerbaijan”;
3.0.5. be engaged in entrepreneurship according to the goal;
3.0.6. involve independent experts and specialists in its work in the form of commissions, conduct analyzes, researches and generalizations, prepare analytical materials;
3.0.7. organize relevant courses, seminars, round tables, meetings, exhibitions, competitions, hold festivals, conferences, charity marathons and other cultural events according to the goal;
3.0.8. freely disseminate information about its goals and activities, create mass media, including television programs and relevant websites in the virtual space;
3.0.9. exercise other rights in accordance with this Charter.
- Formation of the Centre’s Funds and Their Use
4.1. The Centre’s funds shall be formed from the following sources:
4.1.1. allocations from the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
4.1.2. voluntary donations in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-governmental Organizations (Public Associations and Foundations)”;
4.1.3. grants in accordance with the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Grants”;
4.1.4. shares, bonds, dividends and income from other securities and deposits;
4.1.5. revenues from exhibitions, concerts and other events conducted according to the goal;
4.1.6. income from the activities of entities established;
4.1.7. other sources prescribed by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Non-governmental Organizations (Public Associations and Foundations)”.
4.2. The Centre shall use the funds according to the directions of activity established by this Charter.
4.3. The funds remaining on the Centre’s account by the end of the fiscal year shall be used to finance the expenses of the following year.
4.4. Information on the use of the Centre’s funds shall be published in the media at the end of each fiscal year.
- The Centre’s Management
5.1. The Centre’s Board of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as the Board) shall direct and supervise the Centre’s activities.
5.2. The Board shall consist of eleven persons, including the Chairman (Equal-Power Co-Chair), the Deputy Chairman and other members of the Board.
5.3. The Executive Director of the Centre is the Deputy Chairman of the Board. Other members of the Board shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
5.4. The Chairman of the Board and the Equal-Power Co-Chair shall be elected from among the members of the Board at the Board meeting.
5.5. Except for the Deputy Chairman of the Board, the term of office of the Board members shall be 4 years.
5.6. The Board members shall participate in the Board’s work on a voluntary basis.
5.7. The Board meetings shall be held at least once every three months. Extraordinary meetings of the Board may be initiated by more than half of the Board members, the Chairman of the Board or the Executive Director of the Centre.
5.8. The Board meetings shall be considered plenipotentiary if attended by more than half of its members. Decisions of the Board shall be made by a simple majority of the votes of the members attending the meeting by open vote. In the event of a tie, the vote of the Chairman of the Board shall be decisive.
5.9. The Board:
5.9.1. determines the general activities of the Centre;
5.9.2. discusses issues related to the current activities of the Centre, prepares proposals aimed at improving its activities and submits them to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
5.9.3. carries out general control over the compliance of the Centre’s activity with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the formation and expenditure of its funds;
5.9.4. develops a strategy of attracting additional funds to the Centre and supervises its implementation;
5.9.5. submits proposals to the Executive Director of the Centre on areas supporting which is considered to be more appropriate for the implementation of projects and measures corresponding to the Centre’s activities
5.9.6. gives a conclusion on the draft annual cost estimate of the Centre on a submission by the Executive Director of the Centre;
5.9.7. approves the main directions of the use of the Centre’s funds on a submission by the Executive Director of the Centre and reviews the Centre’s balance sheet;
5.9.8. reviews and gives a conclusion on the annual reports of the Executive Director of the Centre on the use of the Centre’s funds;
5.9.9. performs other duties according to the goal.
5.10. The Board members shall have the following rights:
5.10.1. participate in resolving issues within the Board competence;
5.10.2. get acquainted with the agenda of the Board meetings and materials submitted for consideration;
5.10.3. make proposals on decisions taken by the Board;
5.10.4. make proposals at the Board meetings on issues within the Board competence;
5.10.5. get acquainted with the decisions, minutes of meetings and other documents of the Board.
5.11. The Board members:
5.11.1. should be impartial in matters considered at the Board meetings;
5.11.2. should not miss the Board meetings without due cause;
5.11.3. should not allow actions or speeches that could harm the reputation of a Board member.
5.12. Chairman of the Board:
5.12.1. organizes the work of the Board;
5.12.2. determines the agenda of the Board meetings, convenes and chairs the meetings.
5.12.3. takes other measures related to the arrangement of the Board’s activity.
5.13. If the Chairman of the Board fails to perform his/her duties, these duties shall be exercised by the Deputy Chairman of the Board.
5.14. Each Board member should inform the Board and not participate in decision-making in circumstances affecting his/her personal interests in matters considered at the Board meeting and capable of leading to his/her prejudice.
5.15. The powers of a Board member (except for the Deputy Chairman of the Board) may be early terminated in the following cases:
5.15.1. on the submission of a written statement for withdrawal from the Board on his/her own will;
5.15.2. in case of non-compliance of a Board member with the requirements set forth in this Charter;
5.15.3. if he/she fails to perform his/her duties for health reasons for more than six months;
5.15.4. if he/she misses four consecutive meetings of the Board without due cause;
5.15.5. in case of incapacity or restriction of his/her actions under the court decision;
5.15.6. in case of termination of a criminal case against him/her without rehabilitating grounds, as well as an accusatory court decision that has entered into legal force or a court decision on the application of compulsory medical measures;
5.15.7. if his/her actions harm the reputation of a Board member.
5.16. A new member who replaces a Board member (except for the Deputy Chairman of the Board) whose term of office has been early terminated shall be appointed for the remained part of his/her term in accordance with the procedure prescribed by this Charter.
- Arrangement of the Centre’s Activity
6.1. The Executive Director of the Centre shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
6.2. Executive Director of the Centre:
6.2.1. manages the current activities of the Centre and represents the Centre;
6.2.2. approves the Centre structure in coordination with the Board;
6.2.3. approves the annual plan of the Centre’s activity in coordination with the Board;
6.2.4. manages property, including financial resources of the Centre, concludes legal agreements on behalf of the Centre, issues orders, disposals and instructions within the scope of its authority, exercises control over their implementation;
6.2.5. recruits employees on a contractual basis, dismisses them, applies incentive and disciplinary measures with their regard in accordance with the law;
6.2.6. approves the internal regulations of the Centre, the employees Code of Conduct;
6.2.7. submits the Centre’s draft cost estimate and proposals on key aspects of the use of its funds to the Board;
6.2.8. supervises the implementation of projects and other activities funded by the Centre;
6.2.9. prepares an annual report on the use of the Centre’s funds and submits it to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic together with the relevant conclusion of the Board;
6.2.10. arranges the Centre’s clerical work;
6.2.11. within his/her authority, take appropriate measures in connection with the execution of decisions taken by the Board;
6.2.12. informs the public about decisions taken at the Board meetings;
6.2.13. ensures publication of materials reflecting the annual Centre’s activities;
6.2.14. exercises other powers in accordance with this Charter.
6.3. The cost estimates and payroll schedule of the Centre, its personnel ceiling, the monthly salary of its Executive Director and employees shall be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
- Reorganization and Liquidation of the Centre
7.1. The reorganization and liquidation of the Centre shall be carried out by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
7.2. When the Centre is liquidated, its property shall be disposed of according to the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ilham Aliyev
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, May 15, 2014