The conference on the topic "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijaniism-100" on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the independent Azerbaijani state, a brilliant politician and a great statesman was held with the joint organization of Baku International Multiculturalism Center and Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL) on May 8. The conference was organized in accordance with the "Order" of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 28, 2022, on declaring 2023 the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" in the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Academician Kamal Abdulla, rector of the Azerbaijan University of Languages, People's Writer who gave the opening speech at the event spoke about incomparable services of National Leader Heydar Aliyev to the Azerbaijani people and statehood after his return.
He brought to attention that the foundation of the multiculturalism state policy implemented in Azerbaijan today was laid by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. The application of multiculturalism to our lives and society at the state level begins with the decisions taken by the Great Leader. President Ilham Aliyev is successfully continuing this policy. As a continuation of the President's policy, the Baku International Multiculturalism Center was established in 2014 in order to provide the protection and prosperity of tolerance, ethnic-cultural, and religious diversity that have been formed in our country for centuries, as well as to promote Azerbaijan as a center of multiculturalism in the world and to study and encourage existing multicultural models. Through this Center, a complementary, systematic political will and a program for its implementation are being successfully implemented in the sphere of multiculturalism in Azerbaijan.
The moderator of the event, Ravan Hasanov, Executive Director of the Baku International Multiculturalism Center, noted that: National Leader Heydar Aliyev gave the highest legal and political value to the multicultural values of the Azerbaijani people, which have been formed over the centuries, and played an outstanding role in the formation of a multicultural society. He emphasized that Azerbaijan has always been a multicultural state, a place where cultures and religions meet. This tradition was raised to the political level with the second return to power of the great personality Heydar Aliyev and began to be promoted on a global level. Today, the Azerbaijani multiculturalism model, founded by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, is demonstrating its value and developing in the international arena with its independent policies under the leadership of his political successor, President Ilham Aliyev. Today, a successful state policy is being implemented to preserve cultural, linguistic, ethnic and confessional diversity in multinational, multi-confessional Azerbaijan. As a result of the initiatives of President Ilham Aliyev, multiculturalism has become one of the most important directions of state policy.
Dini Qurumlarla İş üzrə Dövlət Komitəsinin sədr müavini Gündüz İsmayılov, Milli Məclisin deputatı, ADU-nun prorektoru Tamam Cəfərova, Qafqaz Müsəlmanları İdarəsinin sədr müavini Fuad Nurullayev, Mənəvi Dəyərlərin Təbliği Fondunun icraçı direktoru Mehman İsmayılov, Azərbaycan İlahiyyat İnstitutunun prorektoru Mirniyaz Mürsəlov, Bakı Dağ Yəhudiləri Dini İcmasının sədri Milix Yevdayev, Bakıdakı Avropa Yəhudiləri İcmasının sədri Aleksandr Şarovski, Azərbaycanda Katolik Kilsəsinin Apostol Prefekturasının yepiskopu Vladimir Fekete, Rus Pravoslav Kilsəsinin Bakı və Azərbaycan Yeparxiyasının nümayəndəsi Elnur Əfəndiyev, ADU-nun Regionşünaslıq kafedrasının müdiri dosent Sevdagül Əliyeva, Alban-Udi Xristian Dini İcmasının sədri Robert Mobili, Azərbaycan-Gürcü Yəhudi İcmasının sədri ravvin Zamir İsayev, Avropa Yəhudilərinin Bakı dini icmasının ravvini Şneor Seqal, Talış icmasının ağsaqqalı İmamverdi Həmidov
Deputy Chairman of The State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations Gunduz Ismayilov, Deputy Chairman of the Milli Majlis, Vice-Rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages Tamam Jafarova, Deputy Chairman of the Caucasus Muslims Board Fuad Nurullayev, Executive Director of the Foundation for the Propagation of Spiritual Values Mehman Ismayilov, Vice-Rector of the Azerbaijan Theological Institute Mirniyaz Mursalov, Chairman of the Baku Mountain Jews Religious Community Milikh Yevdayev, Chairman of the European Jews Community in Baku Alexander Sharovsky, Bishop of the Apostolic Prefecture of the Catholic Church in Azerbaijan Vladimir Fekete, Representative of the Baku and Azerbaijan Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Elnur Efendiyev, Head of the Regional Studies Department of Azerbaijan University of Languages Associate Professor Sevdagul Aliyeva, Chairman of the Alban-Udi Christian Religious Community Robert Mobili, Chairman of the Azerbaijani-Georgian Jewish Community Rabbi Zamir Isayev, Rabbi of the Baku Religious Community of European Jews Shneor Segal, Elder of the Talysh Community Imamverdi Hamidov spoke about the work done by Great Leader Heydar Aliyev towards the emergence of the idea of Azerbaijaniness and the formation of a multiculturalism policy in Azerbaijan.
The representatives of ethnic and religious communities, higher education institutions attented in the event.