Ability go abroad for Azerbaijan Youth Friends Club

Azerbaijan Youth Friends Club is a public, non-profit organization created by the Azerbaijan Youth Friends Initiative abroad, which brings together young people from different countries around the world. The purpose of the club is to bring together young people interested in Azerbaijan and to share knowledge and to spread information about the country. All people are welcome, including one of the Club members is the Caçadorense, Claudio Antonio Klaus.
“The club currently has 40 participants from different nationalities and 12 teachers. The idea is that the website becomes a place to share knowledge, insights, virtual exchanges and also a place to learn more about what to do in the country when you visit. I joined the group at the end of 2018 while looking for opportunities abroad. As a student of International Relations, I intend to be a “cultural ambassador” helping to spread knowledge about different nations through articles and social networks, and I thought of starting with lesser known places. I'm getting ready to travel through the program at the end of my degree, ”says Claudio Antonio Klaus.
In addition to having the opportunity to get to know the country and participate in certified educational training, all expenses (except visa and insurance) - travel, accommodation and meals are covered by the Baku International Multiculturalism Center.
In 2019, to make the registrations, it was necessary to send an essay on one of the topics, being Multiculturalism and “Baku Process”; English model of multiculturalism compared to other models in the world; Ethnic Diversity in Azerbaijan or How Azerbaijan's multiculturalism is seen in your country.
Annually, within the exchange, there is a Summer School for undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate students, aged 18 to 35 years, academically motivated, fluent in English, who wish to broaden their knowledge.
“The Summer School aims to bring to Azerbaijan students who have passed the course“ Multiculturalism ”at their respective universities and also those interested in the subject. Along with interactive lectures on various aspects of Azerbaijani multiculturalism, participants will have the opportunity to experience the realities of the country while having the opportunity to travel to regions where they can explore customs and different ethnic and religious groups, ”emphasizes Claudio.
Everyone can submit their intention to attend the annual Azerbaijan Summer School.
This year also celebrates 10 years of the opening of the Brazilian Embassy in Azerbaijan. “This is an important year for our diplomatic relations. In addition, due to a partnership between the Azerbaijan Center for Multiculturalism and the University of Brasilia, a discipline called “Azerbaijan Multiculturalism” will begin to be taught at the university this year, ”he concludes.
More information can be sent to: 2015multiculturalism@gmail.com. The official website of the program is http://multikulturalizm.gov.az/