The Participant of the Winter School: Azerbaijan’s Experience in Multiculturalism must be Learned by Other Countries

IT’s my second visit to Azerbaijan. By participating in the project of the VIII International Winter School of Multiculturalism organized by Baku International Centre of Multiculturalism I am studying Azerbaijan’s model of multiculturalism. Azerbaijan has achieved great success in the development of the ambiance of tolerance. I think there are many issues that the states of the world, especially post-Soviet countries can learn from Azerbaijan’s experience of multiculturalism.
These words were uttered by Amreddin Sirajeddinov, a Tajik participant of the project of the VIII International Winter School of Multiculturalism “The Literary-artistic Sources of Azerbaijani Multiculturalism”.
Amreddin Sirajeddinov is an MA student at the Central Asian University in Tajikistan. He is also the researcher of the multiculturalism models of the countries.
“In Azerbaijan the attitude of the state towards the minority nations and ethnicities, representatives of various confessions is exemplary,” stated the participant of the project.