Azerbaijani multiculturalism successfully represented in Latin American countries

Baku International Multiculturalism Center (BIMC) has been implementing the project on teaching the subject of Azerbaijani multiculturalism at local and foreign universities since 2015. It is one of the most successful and long-term projects of the Center. As a result of BIMC’s consistent and purposeful activities aimed at the implementation of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s initiative to promote Azerbaijan as a center of multiculturalism worldwide, the geography where the Azerbaijani multiculturalism subject is being taught is becoming increasingly wider on the global scale. Currently, the subject of Azerbaijani multiculturalism is being successfully taught in 22 leading universities of the world (Bulgaria, Russia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Germany, Indonesia, Georgia, Portugal, Poland, Turkey, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Belarus, Ukraine, Sweden, Japan, India, Romania, Brazil). The use of the textbook titled “Azerbaijani Multiculturalism,” which has been printed in both Azerbaijani and English languages (2018), has helped to further improve the quality of teaching.
The most recent universities, in which Azerbaijani multiculturalism has begun to be taught, are higher education institutions of Latin American countries. Based on a memorandum of understanding signed between BIMC and Brazilian Federal University, Azerbaijani multiculturalism has begun to be taught at this higher education institution starting from the 2019/2020 academic year. It should be noted that so far BIMC has organized the teaching of Azerbaijani multiculturalism at a number of prominent universities around the world, but Brazil, with its Federal University, became the first Latin American country to introduce this subject. A memorandum of understanding has also been signed to teach this subject at the University of Rio de Janeiro starting from the next year. In Brazil, classes on the subject of Azerbaijani multiculturalism are run by BIMC employee Ms. Irina Kunina, a teacher of the International Relations Department of Azerbaijan University of Languages who holds a PhD in Philology. According to Kunina, participants of the series of events held in Brazilian University and Latin American countries on the subject of Azerbaijani multiculturalism showed great interest in the topic.
Notably, in addition to the two-week course in Brazilian Federal University, a range of meetings, seminars and roundtables were also organized in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay by BIMC in collaboration with the embassies of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the above countries. More than 100 guests, including state officials, scholars, intellectuals, researchers and students, attended this series of events on the topic of “The Azerbaijani model of multiculturalism” organized in Brazilian Federal University, Uruguay’s Catholic University, Argentine Universities of Belgrano, Salvador and La-Plata, as well as in the International Relations Center in Buenos Aires. At the meetings, detailed information was provided about Azerbaijan’s ethnic groups, their coexistence in an environment of mutual understanding without a conflict, as well as President Ilham Aliyev’s integration and management policy in this multicultural society. Extensive discussions were held on ethno-cultural and religious diversity in Azerbaijan, as well as the implementation of multiculturalism in the context of state policy, and its global role in the intercultural and interreligious dialogue. It should be noted that Uruguay and Argentina have big Armenian communities. In these countries, the active Armenian diaspora tried to hinder the above-mentioned events. However, their efforts failed, and the events in the Latin American countries took place and was met with significant interest. Areas such as future experience sharing and cooperation were also discussed during the events.
Such a large-scale promotion of Azerbaijan’s multiculturalism model in Latin American countries for the first time ever serves to increase interest in our country, as well as to make Azerbaijan known as a one of the hubs of multiculturalism worldwide. In the near future, more foreign universities will be able to join this educational project.
Classes on the Azerbaijani model of multiculturalism are conducted on the basis of mutual agreement reached between Baku International Multiculturalism Center and universities of foreign countries. Majority of the students registered to attend the classes are those who want to study or start a business in our country or to teach an Azerbaijani-related subject at their universities in the future and hence want to gain knowledge about our culture, history, literature and the multicultural situation in our country. The students, who stand out in their studies, earn a chance to attend the International Winter and Summer Multiculturalism Schools organized by BIMC in Azerbaijan. This is another factor that motivates the students.
As shown above, the successful multiculturalism policy implemented by President Ilham Aliyev and the consistent and purposeful work carried out by BIMC, which is operating under the President’s decree, are yielding good results. Teaching of the Azerbaijani multiculturalism subject abroad is expanding its geography and increasing its scope of influence and strength.
Azerbaijan’s multiculturalism model is recognized as a good example by foreign countries. BIMC will successfully continue the study and exploration of this model in the scientific domain.
Billura Aslangizi
Leading Consultant of BIMC