A new edition of "The Ethno-Cultural Heritage of the Caucasian Albania" is published by Multiculturalism Center

A new edition of "The Ethno-cultural heritage of Caucasian Albania" has been published by Baku International Multiculturalism Center (BIMC). The publication presented in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Azerbaijani scientist, historian, caucasian-albanist, source scholar Farida Mammadova. The book includes articles that examine a number of problematic issues in the fields of history, archeology, ethnology, ethnography, architecture, source studies, epigraphy, linguistics and numismatics of Caucasian Albania. The collection of studies by Georgian, French, Italian and Azerbaijani scientists also drew attention to the facts of falsification of the Caucasian-Albanian heritage by Armenians. "Caucasian Albanian epigraphy and Albanian signs on the walls of Derbend Castle" by Lolua Roman, "Artistic and cultural perspective of Dadiveng/Khudaveng monastery (Kalbajar)" by Zammatteo Paolo, "History of physical anthropology of Azerbaijan" by Dimitri Kirichenko, "Christianization of Caucasian Albania in the context of religious reforms of the Sassanid state" by Archimandrite Alexiy Nikinorov, and other similar articles are the result of important research in this field. Publication of The Collection in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages creates an opportunity to present the truths of Caucasian Albania at the international level.
Caucasian Albania is an integral part of the historical and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan. The project "Learning Caucasian Albania" is one of the important projects implemented by Baku International Multiculturalism Center since its inception. Within the framework of the project, the researches of local and foreign scientists related to the material and cultural heritage, history, geography, and population of Caucasian Albania, which belong to the ancient and early medieval period of Azerbaijan's history, are focused on. International conferences, presentations and round tables are regularly organized in order to convey research to a wide audience.
The author of the foreword and editor-in-chief of the new edition "The Ethno-cultural heritage of Caucasian Albania" is academician Kamal Abdullayev, chairman of the Board of Trustees of BIMC, scientific editors are the general director of the Institute of History named after A.A. Bakikhanov of ANAS professor Karim Shukurov, department head of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, professor Najaf Museyibli and leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS Ulviyya Hajiyeva, responsible for the project - executive director of BIMC Ravan Hasanov.
The publication is intended for representatives of the scientific community and anyone interested in the Albanian ethno-cultural heritage of the past and present in Caucasian Albania (4th century BC - early 8th century AD).