In Japan, Teaching Azerbaijani Multiculturalism is Ongoing

The project of teaching Azerbaijani multiculturalism conducted by Baku International Multiculturalism Centre is successfully ongoing in foreign and local universities. Currently, the discipline of Azerbaijani multiculturalism is successfully taught under the mentioned project in 39 universities of our republic and 21 world-leading universities.
Regular lessons on the model of Azerbaijani multiculturalism have started at Hokkaido University, one of the 5 most prestigious universities in Japan, since 2017. Currently, teaching this discipline at Hokkaido University is ongoing. Classes are held based on an agreement concluded between Baku International Multiculturalism Centre and Slavic-Eurasian Research Centre of Hokkaido University. This discipline is taught by Alibey Mammadov, a Japanologist who received a PhD in conflict management at Hokkaido University and a state scholarship holder of the Japanese government. Classes are held in Japanese.