Our Goal

The Main Goal and Objectives of the Centre
1. The main goal of the Centre is to ensure the preservation of tolerance, cultural, religious and linguistic diversity in accordance with the ideology of Azerbaijanism, as well as to represent Azerbaijan as the centre of multiculturalism in the world, explore and promote existing multicultural models.
2. The main objectives of the Centre are:
3. studying the cultural, social and political essence of Azerbaijani realities that transform multiculturalism and tolerance into a way of life, developing a mechanism for their propagation;
4. determining and implementing the ways through which cultural and ethnographic diversity in the Republic of Azerbaijan serve to the development of Azerbaijanism;
5. determining the methods of conducting scientific analysis and preserving the tolerant bases of cultural and religious diversity in the Republic of Azerbaijan;
6. studying the cultural heritage of various regions, ensuring their harmonious development in the contemporary era, supporting the process of preserving history, culture and religious monuments using the potential of civil society;
7. studying the degree of contact and encouraging the contact between cultures of various regions in multicultural life;
8. search for traces of ancient cultures in various regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in conjunction with relevant scientific organizations (arrangement of archaeological research in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments), collecting, scientific studying and protecting the cultural and ethnographic heritage;
9. implementing projects aimed at the systematic elimination of certain shortcomings manifested in the field of education, culture, science and other social spheres, and hindering the harmonious development of the moral integrity of a personality;
10. implementing measures on improving the professional religious and secular knowledge of young religious figures of different religions;
11. providing study and promotion of multicultural achievements of the Republic of Azerbaijan by international experts in foreign countries;
12. developing and implementing a mechanism for evaluating and rewarding prominent local and foreign citizens who have particularly distinguished themselves in the purification of personality, building inter-ethnic, inter-religious relations on the basis of mutual respect and trust;
13. analysis and dissemination of the world experts’ personal experience in the field of multiculturalism, as well as past and contemporary political and public figures, scientists, cultural figures and people of art;
14. performing other duties in accordance with this Charter.