The Participants of the VI International Winter School of Multiculturalism Visited the Settlement of Nij, Gabala

On 14 February the VI International Winter School of Multiculturalism “Dialogue Among Civilizations: New Challenges” held by the recommendation of President Ilham Aliyev and the organizational support of Baku International Centre of Multiculturalism continued its work in Gabala. First, the participants of the Winter School had a trip to the settlement of Nij of the district.
The local and foreign youth, who gathered in the conference hall of the Alban-Udi church “Jotari” in the settlement of Nij, listened to the lecture by the Head of the Foreign Relations Department of the State Committee on Work with Religious Organizations Nijat Mammadli on “Religious Diversity in Azerbaijan”. Nijat Mammadli pointed out that since the ancient times various faiths have developed in the territory of Azerbaijan. He stated that there have been religious ideas and beliefs in the territory of Azerbaijan since the ancient times. Among ancient Azerbaijanis there was a strong worship of the souls of their ancesters, rocks, trees, various natural phenomena and especially celestial objects. Prior to Islam Fire-worshipping, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity were widely disseminated in Azerbaijan. Later Islam had a significant role in the national spiritual history and culture of our people. The dissemination of Islam in Azerbaijan covered several stages. Nijat Mammadli gave profound information on the history of formation of the above-mentioned religions, the activity of the religious communities in different periods, and their religious-historical monuments. He mentioned that wide opportunities have been created for the advocacy and dissemination of religion in our country since 1993, the equality of all the religions and faiths before the Law have been fixed in the Constitution. In the period of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev a number of religious-historical monuments were restored, and special attention was attached to the course of religious awareness. This course is being successfully continued by the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at present. Nijat Mammadli underlined that in Azerbaijan the religious communities have been registered and are functioning.
Then the foreign students, who met the indigenous people in the settlement, familiarized themselves with the area. During the trip the students’ attention was drawn to the information on the history of the Alban-Udi church “Jotari” and the Udi people. It was pointed out that there is Udi Cultural Centre “Orayin” in the settlement of Nij. There is an Alban church and other ancient historical monuments in the settlement. The primary school students are taught the Udi language.
During the trip to the Alban church “Jotari” the students were told that the number of the Udis in the world is about 10 thousand. In the settlement of Nij populated by over six thousand people there live 4 thousand Udis who have maintained their language, religion, customs and traditions for 2500 years. On the ethnic map of the world an ethnos called “Udi” exists only in Azerbaijan. The Alban-Udi church was one of the first advocates of Christianity (the I-II centuries) in the Caucasian Albania. The church was built in honour of Saint Elisaus, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ.
The representatives of the Udi community told the students about the conditions created for the performance of religious rituals and pointed out that they have always felt the attention and care of the state. It was stated that the state-religious relations in Azerbaijan are regulated on high level under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the freedom of everybody’s religious faith is guaranteed. The maintenance of the rich cultural heritage is worth praising. After the restoration of the Nij church the Udis celebrate their holiday as is right and proper.
The cable car ride to the mountains was organized for the participants of the Winter School in the “Tufandagh” Summer-Winter Tourism Holiday Complex.
It should be mentioned that about 30 students from the leading universities of Azerbaijan, Austria, Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Great Britain and Ukraine are attending the VI International Winter School of Multiculturalism.
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