The Conference in Germany Highly Appraising Azerbaijani Multiculturalism

Azerbaijan University of Languages (the AUL), the New Azerbaijan Party and Baku International Centre of Multiculturalism are jointly organizing the I International Scientific Conference on “Heydar Aliyev: the Ideology of Multiculturalism and Tolerance” dedicated to the National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s 95th Jubilee.
The first sections of the conference have been held at the Universities of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Serbia, Russia, China, Ukraine, Belorussia and Georgia.
The subsequent section on “Azerbaijani and German Multiculturalism” has been held in Germany with the organizational support of Azerbaijan University of Languages, the University of Augsburg and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Federative Republic of Germany.
Opening the meeting Professor Klaus Wolf (the University of Augsburg) spoke of the similar and different features of Azerbaijani and German multiculturalism.
The Council of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Germany Marat Kangarlinski noted that the Azerbaijanis have historically been a multicultural nation. He stated that at present multiculturalism is a state policy in Azerbaijan and the present level of the ambiance of tolerance in our country is the result of the policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev in this line and his equal attitude to all our citizens irrespective of their religion, language and national identity.
The Vice-rector for Academic Affairs of Azerbaijan University of Languages Professor Afgan Abdullayev mentioned that Azerbaijani multiculturalism is being highly appraised and referred to as an example in the world today. The professor stated that there is no alternative to multiculturalism, as it is noted by the Head of our state, multiculturalism is the only attitude that can save the world facing wars and conflicts today. Afgan Abdullayev pointed out that historically there has been multicultural life in Azerbaijan and the policy of multiculturalism in Azerbaijan was founded by the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, “To study multiculturalism more profoundly Azerbaijan is carrying out major activities, one of which is the International Conference dedicated to the National Leader Heydar Aliyev’s 95th Jubilee.”
The Acting Executive Director of Baku International Centre of Multiculturalism Ravan Hasanov gave information on the activities of the BICM to present Azerbaijan as the centre of multiculturalism in the world, advocate and promote the existing multicultural models. He pointed out that the Azerbaijani President’s ideas and instructions on multiculturalism have been continuing even after the accomplishment of 2016 which he declared as “The Year of Multiculturalism”.
The Deputy Chair of the State Committee for the Work with Religious Organizations Gunduz Ismayilov (“Religious Divergence in Azerbaijan”) , the Professor of Mainz University Hendrich Busoten “The Comparative Study of the Epos: in the Context of Turkology”, the Deputy Chair of the Caucasian Muslims Office Fuad Nurullayev (“The Relations Between Azerbaijanis and Germans in the Context of Multiculturalism”), the Leader of the Religious Community of European Jews in Baku Aleksandr Sharovski (“Tolerance and Multicultural Values in Azerbaijan”), the representative of Baku Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church Elnur Afandiyev (Mefodi) (“The Russian Orthodox Eparchy as an Example of Azerbaijani Multiculturalism”), the Chair of Alban Udi Christian Religious Community Robert Mobili (“The Alban Udi Christian Religious Community in the Multicultural Context of Azerbaijan”), the Leader of the Protestant Community Mrs Vera Nesterova (“Lutheranism in Azerbaijan”) and the Professor of Azerbaijan University of Languages Aynur Sabitova (“Heydar Aliyev’s Role in Intercultural Dialogue: in the Context of the Literary Comparison of Azerbaijan and the World”) gave speeches.
The policy of multiculturalism as one of the priority lines of the state policy, the ambiance of high tolerance, the maintenance of multicultural customs and traditions in Azerbaijan were thoroughly dealt with in the speeches. It was pointed out that the course “Azerbaijani Multiculturalism” successfully taught at 38 leading universities of our country and 18 prestigious universities of the world is of great significance from the points of view of presenting the relations of friendship and fraternity among the religions and national ethnic groups in our country and disseminating universal ideas of humanism to the wider audience. The speeches also underlined the importance of such events in introducing Azerbaijan’s multicultural values to the world.
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