About Azerbaijan’s Contributions to Intercultural and Inter-religious Dialogue at the Meetings in Geneva and Bern

The Head of the Department of Interethnic Relations, Multiculturalism and Religious Issues of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Etibar Najafov held a number of meetings in the frames of the International Conference on “Religions, Creeds and/or Other Value Systems: Joining Forces to Enhance Equal Citizenship Rights” in Geneva.
Etibar Najafov, who delivered his speech on “The Azerbaijani Model of Equal and Inclusive Citizenship Rights” as the main speaker of the conference, met with the Secretary-General of the World Council of Religious Leaders Bawa Jain, the UN Coordinator of the Inter-agency Task Force on Religion and Development Azza Karam, the Executive Director of Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue Idriss Jazairi.
At the meetings the Head of the Department gave information to his interlocutors about the inter-religious dialogue and the conditions of mutual understanding, also our state’s policy in promoting intercultural and inter-religious dialogue. He also spoke of “Baku Process” aimed at the worldwide advocacy and promotion of intercultural dialogue founded by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.
The participants of the meeting, who appraised Azerbaijan’s policy implemented to promote interethnic and inter-religious dialogue, stressed the potential of the religious tolerance in Azerbaijan as an example for some other countries. There was also an exchange of views on the possibility of establishing future joint cooperation in this line.
On 26 June Etibar Najafov visited the House of Religions – Dialogue of Cultures in the Swiss city of Bern and met with the Head of the institution David Leutwyler. D.Leutwyler, who gave information on the activities of the House of Religions incorporating the church, mosque, synagogue and Buddhist centre, stated the goal of this institution to be the promotion of inter-religious and intercultural dialogue.
In his turn, the official of the Presidential Administration gave information to his interlocutors about the activities of Baku International Centre of Multiculturalism and presented to them the book “The Literary-Artistic Sources of Azerbaijani Multiculturalism” as a gift.
At the meetings E.Najafov was accompanied by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the UN charter and other international bodies in Geneva Vagif Sadigov and our country’s Ambassador to Switzerland Khanum Ibrahimova.
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