Multiculturalism Centre Holds Events in Germany

On September 28 and 29, the Dresden branch of the Baku International Multiculturalism Centre held several events at the Universities of Pirna and Dresden. At a meeting held at the invitation of the University of Pirna, the head of the Dresden branch of the BIMC Birgit Weisberger gave a lecture on the topic “German Settlement in the South Caucasus”. During a one-hour lecture, B. Weisberger reported on the details of her visit to Azerbaijan in May this year, as well as the results of her research conducted in the cities of Ganja and Goygol. In her speech, she also touched on the role of the German settlement in Azerbaijan in the economic, social and cultural development of the country, as well as its impact on multicultural traditions. The event participants were interested in issues related to the current multicultural and tolerant environment in Azerbaijan and the state support for various religious organizations. In the end, they expressed their gratitude to the Dresden branch of BICM for organizing the event, a comprehensive and interesting lecture.
An event held at the University of Dresden as part of the XXIX Intercultural Days was called “Unknown Azerbaijan – the Land of Fire.” Before the event, an exhibition was opened on the topic of the German settlement in the Caucasus. After the exhibition, the head of the Department of History of Azerbaijan at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Professor Eva-Maria Auch gave a lecture on the multicultural past and present of Azerbaijan. During the two-hour lecture, Professor Auch focused on the parallels drawn between the migration processes of the past and present periods. Then, she touched on the development of German settlements in Azerbaijan over the past two centuries. The event participants listened to speeches on little-known aspects of the history of Azerbaijan and Germany with great interest.
Soon, the exhibition will be re-organized in another place of Dresden and the head of the Dresden branch of the BIMC Birgit Weisberger will deliver a lecture on the topic “Unknown Azerbaijan” in Radburg.
The BIMC Press Service