The event dedicated to January 20 - the National Day of Mourning was held on January 17 at the Baku International Multiculturalism Center. Representatives of religious and national communities in our country participated in the event. First, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played, and the dear memory of our martyrs who died for the Motherland was commemorated with a minute's silence.
Opening the event with an introductory speech, Ravan Hasanov, executive director of the Baku International Multiculturalism Center noted that the January 20 tragedy, which occurred 35 years ago, was one of the bloodiest, but also most honorable pages of Azerbaijani history. The executive director spoke about the political reasons that led to the January 20 tragedy. He pointed out that, the Azerbaijani people sacrificed many martyrs for their freedom on January 20, 1990. But, their will was not broken and their national spirit was not shaken. During that massacre, the sons of the Motherland, who gave their lives for the sake of defending national interests and rose to the peak of martyrdom, wrote a bright page in the heroic chronicle of our people with their incomparable sacrifices. The Azerbaijani people always highly appreciate the courage of these fighting sons and daughters, demnstrate respect for their souls, and always hold their memory high.
Member of Parliament Jeyhun Mammadov emphasized that the events of January 20 were aimed to suppress the struggle of the Azerbaijani people for democracy and national freedom and strike a moral blow on the people. But, the Azerbaijani people stood firm for the sovereignty and indivisibility of the Motherland.
Fuad Nurullayev, Deputy Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Board pointed out the bitter realities he witnessed on January 20 and in the following days.
Other speakers, Milikh Yevdayev, head of the Mountain Jewish Community in Azerbaijan, Alexy Smirnov, bishop of the Baku and Azerbaijan Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Fekete, ordinary of the Roman Catholic Church in Azerbaijan, Shneor Segal, chief rabbi of the Baku Religious Community of European Jews, Robert Mobili, chairman of the Albanian-Udi Christian Religious Community in Azerbaijan, Nahid Mammadov, head of the Religious Studies Expertise Department of the State Committee on Affairs with Religious Associations, associate professor Anar Gafarov, head of the Religious Studies Department of the Azerbaijan Theological Institute, Anastasia Lavrina, first deputy chairman of the Russian Community of Azerbaijan and Imran Rzayev, chairman of the “Samur” Lezgi Center, pointed out that January 20 is the heroic history of the Azerbaijani people.