XIII International Multiculturalism Winter School organized by the Baku International Multiculturalism Center (BBMM) entitled "Unity in cultural diversity: in the example of Azerbaijan" continues its work in Guba. participants listened to lectures on two more topics on February 24.
Professor Lyudmila Bejenaru (Romania) presented the lecture on "Translations of Azerbaijani literature as an act of communication at the border of cultures".
It was stated that, while communicating with people who speak different languages, some common language is needed to help them understand each other. In such cases, a possible way of communication is translation, which is the most significant mediation in intercultural communication.
Ludmila Bejenaru noted that, "Anthologies of Azerbaijani poetry" (Moscow, "Fictional Literature", 1939) "Poets of Azerbaijan", (Moscow, 1962), the "Bahar" collection translated by Alla Akhundova played significant role in introducing the great poets of Azerbaijan to the whole cultural world.
Researcher specially noted important role of Azerbaijan State Translation Center which was establihed by Decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated May 23, 2012 in her lecture. It was stated that, the Center promotes translation activities in the country, promotion of Azerbaijani literature in the international world and foreign literature in Azerbaijan.
Then Dr. Kristina Bossauer (Germany) gave a lecture about "Gurban Said's work "Ali and Nino"" to the participants. It was mentioned that, "Ali and Nino" which is the most scandalous work of Azerbaijani literature was firstly published by E.P.Tal Verlag in German language in Vienna in 1937 and has been translated into 33 languages and published in 66 countries. Despite the fact that Gurban Said was indicated as the author in the first edition of the work, various versions have been put forward regarding the identity of the author. But the value of the book is that it covers the events in the work, the Russian revolution, the establishment of independent and democratic Azerbaijan, and the period when the Red Army occupied Baku. The events described in the work mainly reflect the real scene.
During the day, the participants of the XIII International Multiculturalism Winter School will get acquainted with the Red settlement in Guba, where mountain Jews live compactly, visit synagogues, and meet the members of the Jewish community. Partiicpants of Winter School will be informed in detail about Genocide committed by Armenians during visit to Guba Genocide Memorial Complex.
At the end of day, Gala night dedicated to the closing of the winter school will be held.
Let's remind that, XIII International Multiculturalism Winter School dedicated to "Heydar Aliyev Year" will last until February 26.
The students from the leading universities of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Brazil, Romania, Germany, Palestine, Russia, United States of America, Georgia, Pakistan, Iraq, Bulgaria, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Syria, Sri Lanka, China and Japan are participating in XIII International Multiculturalism Winter School.